Going into our fertility treatments we knew that IVF- or in vitro fertilization- was our only option based on our diagnosis. As Christians we really had to think about that. So many religions are against IVF because of the embryos that often get left frozen. It was hard to wrap our hearts and heads around- but after prayer and one of the only times I felt God personally spoke to me- we proceeded. Let me tell you, I stressed over the thought of extra embryos, you want them desperately because if the first transfer doesn't work you don't want to go through the whole process again and having them makes it an easier way to go. When we started out with 10 embryos I was a ecstatic and scared. What were we going to go with those extras? How long would we be willing to leave them frozen? Would we be willing to donate them to a couple who wasn't able to have children?
In the end I worried for nothing. By the time we got to our transfer date we only had two viable embryos left- embabies is what all my infertility boards called them. Obviously those embabies became James and Laura and two years later they are the most crazy and adorable kids I have ever known. Yes, I know I'm partial. God answered all our prayers in the most amazing way and I don't have to worry about any of my babies remaining frozen indefinitely.
It is National Infertility Awareness Week and unlike any other day or week that we have in this state, nation or world I haven't seen a single post on it. So I'm once again telling the miraculous infertility story that is mine so that others can stop feeling ashamed or embarrassed about their story- so we can raise awareness of this very real disease that affects millions of people everyday. Many of whom you know because you know me and since first sharing our story I have been confided in time and time again by those going through the same thing. As a nation who embraces every disease and infliction with pride and dollars for research and pushes for insurance coverage we need to be inclusive as we always are. Because of the expense of these treatments few can afford on their own. Many go into debt to have a chance for children- and even then come up empty. We need to make adoption an equally affordable option as well ( it is actually usually even more expensive than fertility treatments).
So today I am thankful for God's promise for me coming through modern medicine. And the strength he gives me to share a very personal story. What are you thankful for?
Our embabies 5 minutes before transfer 4-18-2012