Ok. So no view. Well at least no picture I can share. Doing this remotely. From the deer stand and it won't let me upload a picture.
I'm adding bad hunter to my bad blogger mantra. Like blogging I seem to be sporadic- and only when the guilt of all the other things I need to do doesn't overwhelm me and Jim is able to convince me to go spend all afternoon in a deer stand.
I do not comprehend this. My Daddy and brothers never spend HOURS of time in a stand or blind when they hunt. They go- they shoot- and they are home in time for supper. However my new family was raised to believe you should be in place HOURS before time to actually see deer.
So here I am. 2 hours before any deer will even venture my way, trying to amuse myself and not think of the tons of things that need to be done before I go to bed. Like laundry. Or dusting. But this allowing me to take the to update my long neglected blog that has suffered from my inattention.
So - what has happened since I last wrote? Hmmm- we got married ( yes I will blog on that ag some point. I promise) went on an amazing Alaskan honeymoon, had our first Thanksgiving and Christmas as a married couple and rebuilt the fence in the backyard. And no. I'm not pregnant yet, we are trying but God hadn't given us that one just yet. So we focus on Polly who turned 2 this week and had a great birthday party. In a nutshell it has been very busy but we are enjoying our lives very much. Well back to sitting and waiting and not thinking about that load of laundry I forgot to switch over.
Love- Mrs. Spratt
Ps. Forgive typos please. Half way through the iPhone stopped lettingme see where I typed